Solid PTC - Advanced Pay Per Click Platform
SolidPTC – is a Pay Per Click solution that is mainly used for building a business website that can offer advertising campaigns, and sales and generate traffic on the websites. It is an easy and relia...
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Login Details:

Demo Page: Default Landing Page: Clickify Landing Page: User Login: Email:, Password: 12345678 Admin Login: Email:, Password: 12345678 Stripe Demo Card: 4242424242424242 Expiry Date: Any date in the future, CVV: 123

Admin Features

Dashboard In the Dashboard menu, If there is a Manual deposit, Pending Withdraw request, and Pending KYCs, Ads listing request from the user and, Support Tickets then Admin can see this after logging into the admin panel. They are immediate tasks to complete first. Then admin can see the cards of all the basic data of the website. Also can see the statistics for the Last 7 Days of Deposits, and, Withdrawal. You can explore other statistics and Recently Registered users. Customers In the Customers menu, there are all the registered customers can be found, There are other Active customers, Closed customers, Disabled customers and the admin can send all the users any message immediately. Admin can edit any of the customer details to find his activities. Admin can add or subtract balance from any user. Admin can change all the performing statuses. Admin also can add any new bank customer to the system. KYC Management Admin can set the KYC form and check and review each of the user’s KYC. Admin can see the histories of the KYC. Manage Roles and Manage Staffs In the Manage Roles menus, the admin can add any of the roles to the application and can assign any of the permissions to that role. And in the Manage Staffs menu admin can add new staff and can assign any of the roles to the staff with his permission. Transactions All the Transactions can be explored in this menu. Subscription Plans All the subscription plan can be shown here which is created by the admin. Manage Ads All the pending ads, active ads, inactive ads, rejected ads and all ads can be found here to manage by the admin. Manage ads report Admin will be able to manage all the ads reports from here. Automatic Gateways Admin can see the automatic payment gateways for deposit and withdrawal. He can set multiple currencies in a single gateway supported. Multiple currency-supported gateways are available. Deposits In the Deposit menu, the admin can edit any of the automatic deposit methods. Also, can set the Manual Deposit methods and review any of the manual deposit requests. Also can explore the deposit histories. Automatic and Manual Withdraws Admin can set for user automatic withdraw and manual withdraw methods. Manage Referral Admin can set the Multi Level Referrals with the percentages. Settings Under the Site settings admin can set the site essentials and manage the permission and so many essential stuffs. In email settings admin can setup the SMTP. Landing Page All the home page sections can be managed by the admin here. Pages All the page’s contents and can add a new custom page from this menu by admin. Site Navigation All the site Navigation, Header, Footer and User dashboard Navigation can be handled from this menu. Templates Under the Template menu admin can manage Email, SMS and Notification templates. Theme Management There only one theme now also, there is an option to upload an HTML theme to run the HTML template on as a website landing page or other pages. All Subscribers Admin can see all the subscribers and send the message to them from here. Support Tickets Admin can explore all the Support Tickets from this menu. Custom CSS Admin can add custom CSS code from this menu. Cron Jobs Admin can setup the cron job for the needs of the systems. Clear Caches Admin can Clear Caches to click this menu. Application Details In this menu, the admin can explore the full Application Details

User Features

Dashboard In the dashboard sidebar, there are wallet, portfolio badge and, account number. There the user can see the KYC submission bar to submit the KYC if the user does not submit the KYC before. On this page, users can also see the Portfolio Level with Badge. Also, users can explore statistics and Recent Transactions. Deposit Users can deposit from here using any automatic or manual deposit method. Fund Transfer Users can transfer the fund to users. Transactions User All Transactions will show there. Withdraw Money User need to add Withdraw account first then can request a Withdraw. Once a request is created the admin need to review the request and send money to the user manually. Referral All the user Referral details will show here. Also can be shown the referral tree. Support Ticket User can open a ticket to the admin and admin can reply on that ticket to solve the issues or anything. Settings On the settings page, the user can edit and update all the profile settings here. Also can change the Password, manage the security, submit the KYC etc.

Key Features:

Category Codecanyon
Rating 0 / 5
Version 2.0
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